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Tucson International Airport Tucson Airport Authority Ryan Airfield


Third Floor

Work by: Charlotte Bender, Jeff Jonczyc, Jack Dykinga, Paul Jaffe, William Lesch, Alan Manley, Ray Manley, Thomas Rossi, Barbara Smith, Catharine Kim Woodin, and more

Walking in the Lightning
Walking in the Lightning, Charlotte Bender, Oil on canvas
Suburban Sprawl
Suburban Sprawl, Jeff Jonczyc, Acrylic on Masonite
Arizona's Seasons, Jack Dykinga, photographs
Young Nopales, William Lesch, one of three photographs
Intermezzo, Paul Jaffe, digital art
One More Bull Session
One More Bull Session, Alan Manley, Photograph
San Xavier Mission
San Xavier Mission, Ray Manley, Photograph
Boeing 747s, Thomas Rossi, mixed media
July, Barbara Smith, Watercolor
Detour, Catharine Kim Woodin, mixed media
Charles Lindbergh Tapestry
Charles Lindbergh Tapestry

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Tucson International Airport
7250 South Tucson Boulevard
Tucson, AZ 85756
(520) 573-8100